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We are a small, family-run business. the family!

The Apothecary, Herself
Aura, our fearless leader.
Aura is the creator/owner of Aura's Apothecary. She is responsible primarily for product quality and development (all the recipes are hers).
Aura didn't start out to become an herbalist, but when you are a stay-at-home homeschooling mom with sick kids and no health insurance, you improvise. As she says, "when your child comes to you with a hacking cough on a Friday night and the Urgent Care clinics are closed until Monday, you have to do something." Natural plant-based and herbal remedies to basic ailments have been a part of her family's life for 15 years, and she's constantly discovering new ways that plants keep them all healthy.
Sometimes the ailments aren't so basic, however. In 2014 she suffered adrenal failure (see "stay-at-home homeschooling mom" above), and, thanks to the recommendation of a doctor of natural medicine, discovered adaptogens and other herbs that helped her get her life back. The effect was profound, and Aura began sharing her teas and remedies with friends and family who (thank you) pushed her to begin marketing and selling her products to share with the world.
As Aura's Apothecary continues to build, Aura continues to support her family by also working another full-time job.
The Other Guy
We're, uh...we're not sure what Ryan is doing in this photo.
Ryan (Aura's husband) is the day-to-day business manager at Aura's Apothecary. His responsibilities are of the "catch all" category, but he is primarily responsible for business and customer relations and web/social media design and management.
Having caught the environmentalism bug from Aura, Ryan is also responsible for researching and maintaining ways in which Aura's Apothecary can operate with as little environmental impact as possible, from stickers and bags to our carbon-neutral electric bill.
Ryan left his full-time job to help transition Aura's Apothecary so it can do more good for more people. In addition to the day-to-day operations of Aura's Apothecary, Ryan is the newly-appointed stay-at-home homeschool dad*...and drinking lots of Adrenal Support Chai.
*Maybe that explains the face.

The Kids
Getting a decent picture of all our kids together is like finding a perfectly ripe avocado.
The Paigelings are the inspiration for so many of the products at Aura's Apothecary and the herbalists in training. They are also easily-accessible guinea pigs for both product effectiveness and taste (about which they are brutally honest). It has long been a benchmark for Aura's products that, "it has to be tasty enough that my kids will drink it."
So, if you think any product on here is particularly delicious, you have the Paigelings sensitive taste buds to thank for it.
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